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Save the Date for September 10, 2023 - Rally Sunday Kickoff

Save the Date for September 10, 2023 - Rally Sunday Kickoff starts at 9 a.m. During service we’ll be doing blessings for school aged kids and the Sunday school teacher installments. After service we are having a free will fundraiser meal for our missionairies in Tanzania, the Swanson family. They are doctors who help save premature babies and show God’s love through medicine and training other doctors to do the same. We will be serving “Dan’s Famous Pulled Pork”, baked beans and 1919 root beer floats.

September 3

Join us Sunday, September 3, 2023 for our in-church 14th Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service

September 10

Join us Sunday, September 10, 2023 for our in-church 15th Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service